Just came back from cutting my hair, and something really weird happen...
There's these two 8 yrs old girls together with their dads'.
2 dads were smoking outside while the girls hang around like some seasoned customer.
I only manage to catch one of the girls name, Cyndi or Cynthia..anyway, let's call her Cyndi, and the other, Bald (She really not much hair leh.....and she is not cancerous for pete's sake!!)
This is their conversation
Cyndi: Wahhh so many colours, i think i love this (Point to brown) most!
Bald: Haiya, i love gold...cos worth money ( REALLY?! i think Bald is quite materialistic leh!)
Bald: ehh ehh, u got handphone anot?! (Flashes her hp to Cyndi...* Heng i change my hp already...TMD, if not her hp better than my previous one...*)
Cyndi: Dun have LAH!
Bald: Then wat's your boyfriend's name? (wah. lau. ehh)
Cyndi: Nicholas (WAH. LAU. EHH. Can die anot!)
Bald: N.I.K.E.L.E.S.S (nikeless!!! i dun think NIKE will be please manz...Adidas will be thrill though.)
Bald: ehh i send Nicholas sms lo, then we can make friend...(I think Bald is trying to snatch Cyndi boyfriend leh....)
Cyndi: Haiya, dun wan! let's sweep the floor...
*The 2 girls start to fight for the broom until...
Boss: DIAM LAH *malya language*.......you babi bodoh...*more malay language*
*2 girls not happy and go to the toilet*
30 mins later, toliet filled with soap and water.
Wahhhhh drama anot?!! I dare say this is one of the top most happening incident in that barber shop manz!!
Wahhh i feel like watch 881, looks damn interesting.
And i seriously need to do some nature photography.
To my dearest Beezus,
You will always be in my heart,
You are every reason why Zubees become part of my family,
You are forever,
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
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