We Will Rock You
Watched "We Will Rock You" together with Tanny at the Esplanade. Actually, other than the crappy story line (Khai, almost...almost like Daddy's Cool, except D.C got better props), I actually enjoyed myself throughout the whole musical. The songs are all fabulous, Killer Queen is one of my fav piece...then the ending song Bohemian Rhapsody really closes the whole show perfectly. I think i was practically on my feet at the last 10 mins, cheering the band on manz.
Overall, 8/10..

Photography and Trekking
Set out pretty early in the morning, at abt 845am..
Me and my cousin trek for about 15km all around MacRitchie Reservoir.
I think we almost became the first in history to die of thirst in reservoir manz.
Blame it on ourselves also... almost everyone that walk passed our route, sure 被我们讲到很jialet. And of the the worst the Mr. Know.It All.
Wah...keep seeing him... Yak non stop...until we feel like sewing his mouth up.

We took the yellow route, then intercept the cyan route, then back on the yellow route.

Walk unitl whole body ache and watever crap thing...I went on for Qing Ming...all the way till late evening.
I think that day is living hell for me lo.
Tired until my hair also cramp.
Never ending, yet not so surprising news.
Yes, I'm goin for my 6th operation. ever since 2003, I had one operation every single year.
And on 08.04.08
Diana calls it the Xeon hair.
Yes, Intel Xeon.
Do too much Intel until Pantone code also can give me. Power.

The blue chunky part is on the right side of my head. Very blue. like Doraemon.
And....on 09.04.08.
I tender.
I'm about to leave a place i proudly call my second home, where everyone is like family members.
I'm goin to miss them alot manz. But i guess it's good for them and good for me to move on.
Well, life still moves on,
So friends, cheer me on, when i look for new career path!!
Till then
have lots of fun!
Btw, happy bday yean!
Sorry din manage to make it for ur dinner~
So technically u owe me one dinner.
Is this the longest blog you've posted so far? haahaa...
Anyway...glad you didn't chicken out. HURRAY to your resignation! The next job will get better coz' u deserve a better, A MUCH BETTER one....
MUCH BETTER! Can't reallie see ur hair leh. Have to see it 'live' i think.
We live to walk.. er i mean fight.
so go on~ fight for a new career, look, bone and everything will be better soon.
wat? owe u dinner? sorry loh... missed it, thats it!
n congrats on ur resignation.. FINALLY!
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